Saturday, January 8, 2011

My first Post

I've decided to try out creating my own blog, this is a first for me since I'm not that computer savy but there's a first for everything!  So today is January 8th Elvis' Birthday.  (also my nephew's) Since my daughter Madison likes "The King" so much I thought I'd mention that. 
Here is Madison as Elvis - Halloween 2009, I made her this costume!!
Okay so I've talked about the date and added a photo.. I feel accomplished already!

Yesterday it was suppose to snow- nothing ever happened until around 6am this morning... it snowed for maybe 2 hours and then stopped.  NO complaints here!  I really hate driving in the snow!  Speaking of yesterday it was my Dad's birthday he turned 67!  ?  is that right.. wow!  I guess so if he was born in 1944!  Okay so here's a picture of him-
Madison, Grandad and Serena
Shannon, Dad and Ron

Happy 67th Birthday Dad!!!  He's actually in Texas right now celebrating with Crystal and Jon right now- left yesterday on his Birthday to visit and see their new home....
Crystal and Jon
Speaking of Jon and Crystal here they are at our holiday party from last January.  That reminds me of their surprise visit... that was so fun- so funny to see the look on every ones face as they walked down the stairs into the basement.  No one expected them to be there, it was a total surprise.

Speaking of the Sansoucie Family Holiday Party it's next Saturday!  Shane and Danielle will host this year at their house.  Crystal and Jon will also make a 24 hour visit for the event.  Can't wait, it should be another fun family get together. 

Well I guess that's all for now... more later!
I think I may really like doing this- something fun when I have some free time ;)


  1. Great post! It's like a journal even :) There are companies that you can use where they take your blog address and you can make a book out of it. You select the posts you want.. so you could do a yearly book! I'll do one someday! Can't wait to read more!

  2. Oh a book... I like that idea! Well I wasn't planning on sharing this with the "world" so you'll probably be my only follower and that's okay with me.
    I'll have to talk to you more about the "book" idea, I'm all about that!
